
Demand Letters

December 17, 2015

When you are trying to settle a dispute, it can be useful to begin by writing a demand letter. Orange County business litigation attorneys will tell you that this can work to settle as many as a third of potential disputes. The Need for a Demand Letter If a person owes you money, they may…

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Terms of Use for Your Website

December 12, 2015

A Business Lawyer Orange County on “Terms of Use” for Your Website Every business owner understands the value and perhaps the necessity for an online presence in today’s competitive business climate, yet establishing an effective website entails far more than merely conducting the business of the business. One Size Doesn’t Fit All In contemplating what…

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Start Ups and Stock Options

December 8, 2015

People who are considering joining a start-up company sometimes ask our Irvine business lawyer about stock options as part of their compensation package. The SEC requires companies to register securities whenever they issue them. However, Rule 701 of the Securities Act does not require private companies to register their securities when offered as a part…

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Rules Regarding Drug Tests

December 2, 2015

Employment lawyers Orange County are often consulted regarding the rights of California employees. They can explain that the employer’s rights can vary depending on the circumstances involved in the particular situation. General Guidelines for Applicants California courts have determined that employers can require applicants to pass a drug test as a condition of employment. However,…

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Partnership Disputes

November 29, 2015

Clients often ask our business lawyer Orange County questions about resolving partnership disputes so that they can effectively operate their companies. We advise them that an effective resolution depends on the following factors: The clarity of the operating paperwork The willingness of legal counsel to work out differences The personality of each partner and How…

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Mandatory Binding Arbitration

November 24, 2015

Arbitration clauses have become increasingly common in many types of agreements, such as employment contracts, health insurance and the sale and lease of automobiles. In fact, many doctors, hospitals and other healthcare providers will not accept new patients unless they agree to submit any claims of medical malpractice to mandatory binding arbitration. Arbitration Basics Arbitration…

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Statutes of Limitations

November 19, 2015

An Orange County construction lawyer can explain that the statute of limitation is the timeline in which a person has the right to bring a lawsuit. If this time limit expires, the individual can be barred from bringing forth an otherwise valid claim. The statute of limitation that will apply is based on the legal…

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Contract Formation

November 14, 2015

A Costa Mesa business attorney drafts contracts on a routine basis. Contracts are at the heart of commercial industries. They establish the rights and responsibilities of each party so that both parties clearly understand their relationship with each other. They also sometimes provide certain remedies when the contract is breached, or broken. A Costa Mesa…

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When Employers Must Pay Overtime

November 10, 2015

Most employers are required to pay overtime as per federal and state laws. If you feel that your employer has not paid you overtime when it is due to you, speak with employment lawyers Orange County. Exempt and Nonexempt Employees The standard for overtime pay is the employee’s hourly wage plus 50%. If you are…

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