An Orange County Commercial Litigation Attorney Gives Advice on How to Behave During a Deposition or Court Testimony

An Orange County commercial litigation attorney will provide you with a list of dos and don’ts when giving testimony in your deposition.

Your Orange County Commercial Litigation Lawyer Will Remind You to Tell the Truth

It is imperative that you be honest in your testimony. When you are being asked questions, speak only the truth. If you lie during your testimony at any point and the dishonesty is discovered, it will severely harm your case.

Take a Breath and Think About the Questions

Orange County commercial litigation attorneyWhen your Orange County commercial litigation lawyer or the opposing counsel is asking you questions, you don’t have to answer immediately. Be certain that you completely understand the question and have allowed the questioner to finish.

Details Can Be Important for Your Orange County Commercial Litigation Attorney

Make certain you are aware of the difference between not knowing something and not remembering something. It is not advised to make guesses or provide speculation for information that you do not know. You should only answer the questions you are asked without providing any unsolicited information.

Don’t Assist the Opposing Attorney

If the opposing attorney has a fact wrong or is having a problem of some sort, it isn’t your responsibility to provide assistance, and your Orange County commercial litigation attorney will advise you not to do so.

Speak to an Experienced Attorney

If you have questions about testifying in a deposition or at trial, an Orange County commercial litigation attorney can help you. Call Daily Aljian, LLP at 949-861-2524 today to discuss your case.

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