Asking for a Reference Letter

As part of your employment discrimination suit, your Orange County employment lawyer will likely advise you to seek a letter of reference as part of your settlement or severance agreement. This letter can help you to find employment elsewhere after your claim is settled. Asking for More In many cases, the employer’s counsel will attempt…

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Illegal Employment Discrimination in Orange County

If you believe you have been the victim of illegal discrimination, you should consult with an Orange County wrongful termination lawyer to determine what legal options you may have. Although certain situations that are disrespectful or embarrassing may not necessarily be illegal, negative employment decisions based on a status protected by law may result in…

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Female Wal-Mart employees in California file discrimination suit

Recently, a group of female Wal-Mart employees filed a gender discrimination lawsuit against their employer.  According to the lawsuit, Wal-Mart pays and promotes female employees less than male employees. The lawsuit was filed in federal court in San Francisco and is limited to employees at the 220 Wal-Mart stores in California.  Approximately 95,000 current and…

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