Orange County business litigation lawyers
Tips for Success from a Business Attorney in Orange County
As you proceed with your case concerning Orange County business litigation, your business attorney Orange County may give you a number of tips that can help increase your likelihood of success. Here are a few suggestions to help you better prepare for your case. Update Your Attorney Let your attorney know when important events happen…
Read MoreFiduciary Duties
An Irvine business lawyer can explain that when you structure a business as a corporation, you will have certain fiduciary responsibilities, namely to the corporation itself and to the stockholders. An Irvine business attorney can explain the following fiduciary duties. Duty of Obedience This duty recognizes the responsibility that directors and officers have to a…
Read MoreDemand Letters
When you are trying to settle a dispute, it can be useful to begin by writing a demand letter. Orange County business litigation attorneys will tell you that this can work to settle as many as a third of potential disputes. The Need for a Demand Letter If a person owes you money, they may…
Read MoreOrange County Class Action Lawsuits
An experienced Orange County commercial litigation attorney will tell you that a class action lawsuit is one filed by a specific group of people against a certain company or organization. Who are the parties in a class action? The plaintiffs are typically either the employees of a large company that is accused of such violations…
Read MoreOrange County Trademark Infringement
An Orange County commercial litigation attorney provides you with the best resource to fully understand trademark infringement issues. Trademark infringement cases can involve proprietary rights you may have, liabilities you are exposed to, and your potential remedies. It is important to begin by understanding the basics. How is a trademark defined? The U.S. Patent and…
Read MoreDissolution of a Business or LLC
Just as partnerships, LLCs, S-Corps, and corporations are formed by starting a business, so too must these entities be dissolved when the business entity will no longer be conducting business operations. A reputable and experienced Orange County commercial litigation attorney can provide you and your partners with the documents and procedural guidance needed to properly…
Read MoreBreach of Fiduciary Duty
Certain relationships create what are known as “fiduciary duties.” A fiduciary is a person or entity that owes a special duty to another by virtue of that individual’s superior knowledge and information in a particular area and another’s dependence on them. A breach of this special duty may result in dire circumstances for the fiduciary,…
Read MoreIndie movie theater wins anti-trust appeal against Cinemark
Last week, Palme d’Or Cinemas, an independent movie theater in Palm Desert, won an appeal against Cinemark USA. The owners of the Southern California indie theater filed suit against Cinemark in 2003 after Cinemark opened a theater nearby. According to the initial lawsuit, when Cinemark purchased the nearby 15-screen theater, The River, the movie theater…
Read MoreBank of America faces Countrywide lawsuit
Last month, several Bank of America investors filed suit against the bank claiming that Countrywide Financial Corp. misled investors about their transition from being a traditional lender to a high-risk lender. Investors involved in the lawsuit include the California Public Employees’ Retirement System, BlackRock Inc., the Montana Board of Investors, and 13 more. In the…
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