Documents to Gather and Obtain

You can help your Orange County business litigation attorney by furnishing pertinent documents concerning your employment.

Orange County business litigation attorney

The following documents should be collected, saved, and given to your Orange County business litigation attorney:


  • A “cast of characters list.” This list will identify and inform your attorney of each individual involved in your case, along with his or her background information. Putting the list in three columns will be helpful. The first should identify the person’s name, contact information, and title. The second should describe the role played by the person in your unlawful treatment, or itemize what details or information the person knows. The third should set forth if you believe the person would make a positive, neutral, or poor witness, and the reasons why you believe so.


  • Your employment chronology. Concisely outline your career with the employer, and include such items as the date you were hired, raises, promotions, and performance evaluation ratings. Specifically describe the circumstances which led to each occurrence.


  • Contract of employment.


  • Offer letter from employer.


  • Resume.


  • An employment application for your employer.


  • The employee manual or handbook for your place of employment.


  • Your personnel file. You have access to make a copy of the employer’s personnel files through legal right.


  • A copy of your arbitration agreement.


  • Any documents prepared contemporaneously, such as calendar or diary entries that may validate the wrongful conduct.


  • Appraisals or reviews given of your job performance.


Please contact the law firm of Daily Aljian LLP to speak with an experienced and knowledgeable Orange County business litigation attorney about your case. You can reach the firm at 949-861-2524.