The Last Battle: Returning to Work

If you have won an employment discrimination case against an employer, you will be relieved to know that you have survived most of the legal war.  However, you and your Orange County business attorney need to fight one last battle: replying to the reinstatement proposal.

Orange County business attorney


What are the most important aspects of reinstatement?

  • The most important element of your reinstatement is attaining a position that is the same as your previous occupation.
  • In your new position, you should have the same occupational duties, salary, benefits, etc. that you had before you were terminated due to discrimination.


How can you know whether the employment offer fulfills these requirements?

  • If the reinstatement offer does not specifically detail the position’s match to your prior job, you and your Orange County business attorney should request that your employer be more specific about the position.
  • This is particularly important with regards to opportunities for promotion, since new circumstances will not do you any good without the ability to improve your position later in your career.


What should your lawyer focus on?

  • Your lawyer should ensure that your employer is not just trying to appease you with a job that sounds the same, but is actually worse than your prior position.
  • In addition, it is important that you work with your counsel to investigate your employer’s procedures to prevent harassment in the future (specifically toward you and also more generally toward your entire workplace).


A devoted Orange County business attorney can see you through the entire employment discrimination legal process.  Call Reed Aljian and Justin Daily at (949) 861-2524to find experienced lawyers with the passion to work on your behalf.

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