What Will your Irvine Personal Injury Attorneys Do As Your Claim Progresses?

Pursuing a personal injury claim can be a confusing and daunting process, but knowing what to expect from your Irvine personal injury attorneys can alleviate your stress.

Initial Stage

In the beginning stages of your claim, your legal team will meet with you and investigate some or all of the following:

  1. Police reports.
  2. Witness statements.
  3. The accident scene.
  4. The applicable statutory laws.
  5. The applicable case laws.
  6. Medical reports.
  7. Medical bills.
  8. The need for assistance from an investigator.

Additionally, your Irvine personal injury attorneys will get in touch with the insurance company of the individual(s) responsible for your injuries.

Your Responsibilities

After these items have been addressed, your lawyer will keep in close contact with you as your claim moves forward, and will provide instructions that you must follow. Your attorney will make sure that you are doing the following:

  1. Following your doctor’s advice and instructions.
  2. Making an effort to recover.
  3. Providing all related medical bills and expense reports.
  4. Reporting loss of income records.
  5. Keeping tabs on potential witnesses.

Keep in mind that your attorney will use authorization forms to obtain your medical records, and will review those documents as they come in from your doctor. Meanwhile, they will stay on top of laws relating to your case.

If you’ve suffered injury in an accident, you shouldn’t have to face the responsible party on your own. Call 949-861-2524 to speak with the Irvine personal injury attorneys at Daily Aljian LLP and get the support you deserve.

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