Frivolous Lawsuits

The daily news seems to be filled with stories of frivolous lawsuits. In a sense, the problem has taken on a life of its own; when such a lawsuit succeeds, certain unscrupulous individuals take notice and decide to try. While many of these lawsuits ultimately fail, the cost of litigation alone has become a significant problem for businesses. It may be in your best interests to consult with an Orange County business attorney to develop strategies for protecting your business from frivolous lawsuits.

Being Proactive

Orange County business attorney

Many laws are in place today governing safety and use of products sold to the public. Your Orange County business attorney can work with you to ensure that your business abides by the law. You need to make sure that any product you sell is accompanied by warning labels. While it may seem almost silly to place a label on, say, an electrical appliance that warns not to use it underwater, you should not assume that your customers are going to use common sense.

In the workplace, you need to post all required safety warnings and employee rights signs. You should also develop a handbook containing company policies on safety, along with warnings. Each employee should be provided with this book and sign an affirmation that they have received, read, and understood its contents.


Laws are in place to protect businesses from frivolous lawsuits. Your Orange County business attorney can provide you with details on how such laws can help you avoid costly litigation. You may also consider whether the form of your business protects you adequately. For instance, sole proprietorships leave the owner personally vulnerable; a frivolous lawsuit found in the plaintiff’s favor can cost him his personal assets. It may be beneficial to become an LLC or corporation to avoid such exposure.

For More Information

The Orange County business attorneys at Daily Aljian, LLP are dedicated to protecting the rights of clients in matters of business law. Call for a consultation today at 949-861-2524.

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