Collecting Back Pay From An Employer

If a California employer fails to properly compensate a worker, the plaintiff, generally an employee, has the right to take legal action. They can seek help through the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement, who will then conduct an investigation, review, hearing and decide on the case. If the employer is found to be liable, the court will rule that a judgment should be filed. Due to late fees and additional penalties, the judgments can be as much as 10 times the original amount.

Advantages of Hiring Legal Help

If you are in this position, you might wonder if you need to retain the services of an Irvine business lawyer. You will already have effective legal representation from the DLSE and might see the benefit of hiring another attorney. However, you should be aware that you need to comply with strict guidelines in order for the DLSE to represent you. If the company is about to file bankruptcy, the agency might not be able to help you. On the other hand, a private attorney could file a lawsuit to pursue compensation.

Points to Consider

You might consider the following points before you make your decision regarding an Irvine business attorney. Is the company using another business name as a front? Do they plan to file bankruptcy? Does the owner have a pattern of avoiding debts? If so, it might be in your best interests to retain independent professional counsel.

If you need an Irvine business lawyer who understands the ins and outs of collecting back wages, call Daily Aljian LLP. You can reach our firm at 949-861-2524.

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