In preparing your case, one of the best methods of obtaining information on your employer is by searching on the internet. Your Orange County employment law lawyer will be able to help you find information that could help in building a case against your former employer.
Internet Searches
There are three main ways to search your employer:
- With a general internet search on Google, Yahoo, or another popular search engine.
- By searching EDGAR Company Search.
- And by searching your former employer’s website and the website of their attorney.
General Searches
General searches on a popular search engine are often only hit or miss, but can lead to extremely valuable information about your ex-employee or their attorney.
While not always helpful, an internet search should be conducted on all involved in the case, including any witnesses, the judge, and anyone else that may be involved. While the information discovered could be minimal, it could also be extremely important in building your case.
A search may, for example, yield information regarding similar claims against your former employer or newspaper articles regarding past lawsuits and any statements your former employer may have made regarding the allegations.
Searching yourself and your witnesses is a good way to know both what information the employer’s attorney will have about you and anyone planning on testifying for you. If a witness is missing, or your employer has disappeared, a general internet search may also be helpful.
If you have been wrongfully terminated, discriminated against, or otherwise legally wronged by your employer, the Orange County employment law lawyers at Daily Aljian LLP may be able to help. Call us today at 949-861-2524.