Orange County Discrimination Lawyer
Even with federal and state laws in place outlawing discrimination in the workplace, many employees still face this prohibited personnel practice every day due to factors such as race or age. While you may feel hopeless or alone, you shouldn’t have to face discrimination in the work place. By contacting a qualified legal representative, you can fight for your rights.
At DAILY ALJIAN LLP, our Orange County discrimination attorneys are unafraid to stand up to employers who are treating you disrespectfully due to discriminatory factors. Contact us today at 949-861-2524 and schedule a confidential consultation to discuss your legal options. We will help you every step of the way so you don’t have to be afraid to go to work.
Types of Employment Discrimination
It is illegal for employers to not offer you a job, a raise, promotion, or other such opportunity based on any factors other than performance. Unfortunately, millions of workers face discrimination at work based on the following:
- Race
- Age
- Ethnicity or place of origin
- Gender
- Disability
- Sexual orientation
If you are the victim of discrimination, you can suffer emotionally as well as financially. You deserve justice if you have been passed over for a promotion or salary raise. At Daily Aljian, we are committed to fighting for you.
Contact Us
You shouldn’t have to suffer any longer because of workplace discrimination. If you or someone you know has been discriminated against at work because of age, race, gender, or another such factor, contact the Orange County discrimination lawyers today at 949-861-2524 to learn more about how we can help you.