A Costa Mesa employment attorney can explain that any number of federal laws may apply to a discrimination case. Therefore, he or she may discuss the changes that have occurred over time and their potential applicability to a case.
Reconstruction Era
This historical point occurred after the Civil War. Congress established a number of anti-discrimination laws, including one regarding employment. However, the United States Supreme Court wound up invalidating many of these protections.
Several important federal laws were passed during this stage of American history. For example, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act prohibited discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex or religion. Later, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act was passed, which prohibited the discrimination or harassment of employees who were age 40 or older. These laws were not subsequently invalidated like those of the Reconstruction Era, as a Costa Mesa employment attorney can explain.
This decade also witnessed the passing of several new laws. The Americans with Disabilities Act prohibited employment discrimination of individuals who suffer from a disability. It also required employers to make reasonable accommodations for employees and applicants.
Another era occurred in the first decade of the 21st century when the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act was passed. This law broadened the scope of the ADA. The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act was also established, which sought to eradicate pay disparity due to gender.
Legal Assistance
If you would like more information on these stages or the applicability of any of the laws mentioned, contact a Costa Mesa employment lawyer from Daily Aljian LLP.