Questions From Your Employment Lawyer

Questions From Your Employment Lawyer


Before a Costa Mesa business attorney can agree to represent you, he or she will need information surrounding your termination, harassment, or adverse employment action.


Costa Mesa business attorney


Questions from an attorney about what prompted you to see a lawyer about your employment situation


Your Costa Mesa businessattorney will be keenly interested in finding out exactly why you decided to retain an attorney.


If your case is about employment termination, demotion, or other harmful employment action, your prospective attorney will try to address two issues: (1) why you believe you were terminated; and (2) the employer’s rationale for the termination.


In addition, the attorney will ask your questions about the facts regarding the termination or other adverse employment action. Some of the questions will be:

  • When were you fired?
  • Who informed you that you were fired?
  • Who made the decision to fire you?
  • Has the employer treated employees in your situation in a similar way?
  • Who took your place?
  • Did you make a protest to someone at the management level? If so, what was his or her response?


If your case involves illegal harassment, your Costa Mesa business attorneywill ask you:

  • Was the conduct appropriate?
  • Can you describe the nature and degree of the conduct, such as the severity and brazenness of the conduct?
  • Was the management aware, or should have the management been aware, of the harassment?
  • If you made a complaint, what was the response?
  • If you chose not to complain, then why not?
  • Did you discuss the harassment to anyone, including your friends, family, and therapist, while it was ongoing?
  • Do you know anyone else who received similar harassment?
  • Has the employer set any policies and procedures that forbid unlawful harassment?


In harassment or adverse employment action cases, your attorney will also ask you whether you know of any evidence that can substantiate your claims, such as witnesses and documents. He or she will request that you get the witnesses’ known addresses and phone numbers as well as basic background information such as present employment status and position, what he or she can testify about, and whether he or she will be cooperative or difficult as a witness.

Wrongly terminated employees seeking a qualified Costa Mesa business attorney can call Daily Aljian LLP at 1-949-861-2524 for immediate legal representation. The initial consultation is free.